Josephine The Outlaw King
Jeannette Louise Kantzalis
About the Author
Jeannette Louise Kantzalis (aka, A Brokeheart Pro) is an accomplished songwriter/musician born and raised in the working class, southern California suburbs known as the Inland Empire.
Known for her unique voice and clever lyrics, it was an easy transition for Kantzalis to move from composer to author.
Her story of Josephine began as a blog over five and a half years ago on her MySpace music page.
Jeff Vintar (I, Robot ), became a fan of her writing and suggested she make the Josephine saga into a novel.
You’ll find Jeannette still living in the Inland Empire with her husband and two sons.
Josephine Lilliwhite, a middle-aged woman with a quiet demeanor and a curious past happened upon love and motherhood late in life. In her early 40′s she found herself starting over with a new man, a new home, and a 2nd son on the way. It seemed she’d finally found some light. With that light came the dark. When her jealous ex hears about Josephine’s newfound joy, his anger can only be sated by her death. As he whispers, “Congratulations” into her forgiving ear, he spits a bullet from his unforgiving gun. He leaves her for dead but Josephine has other plans. She decides not to end. She promises her family to begin, to rise and to return as the Outlaw King. Josephine heals anonymously deep inside the pulpy-noir haunts she grew up in: biker bars, betty brothels and the borrowed beds of the broken-hearted. In her kingdom, the landscape of the Inland Empire is as much a character as the Saint, the Monster, Cortez the Killer, The Black Knight Beauties & the Pennybrides. All hail Josephine!
ISBN 978-0-9832747-6-6
220 pages
5.5"x8.5" hardcover w/jacket
“Josephine The Outlaw King is a blast of hardboiled goodness set in a present-day wild west filled with sudden violence and even deeper passions. Jeannette Kantzalis writes prose that wraps its unflinching hand around your guts and won’t let go. Like the endangered lovers in her relentless yet compassionate story, this lyrical book waits for you…”.
—Jeff Vintar, Screenwriter, I, Robot
“Jeannette Kantzalis’ prose is lyrical genius with a clear balance of emotion and life experience. The cadence of her words resemble a Bukowski-like voice that captivates readers”.
—Erica Szilagyi, Associate Professor of English Literature, La Sierra University
“Many writers of crime fiction are giving their characters an ever-growing laundry list of quirks to distract the reader from the age-old tropes their characters embody. Jeannette Kantzalis has gone a different route, she writes her characters large, mythic, archetypal.
Her protagonist, Josephine Lillywhite, is not a femme fatale, she is THE femme fatale, she is ALL femme fatales. The Saint, the Monster, and other archetypes act out their parts in her novel as well. Kantzalis has visited a wellspring of crime fiction that predates Thompson, Chandler, Doyle, or even Poe, and she has returned with these symbol-laden characters and placed them in a contemporary milieu with a feminine slant. This is a must-read for any fan of the genre.”
—Neil McCrea, Author & Poet, writer of the Pushcart Prize nominated poetry collection Wisdom & Dust
“In a voice as authentic as it is vivid, in language supple, elastic and gritty as the landscape it depicts, this is a love story, an adventure, a yarn unlike any other. Josephine’s kingdom awaits. Consider yourself fortunate”.
—Akshat Verma, writer/director, Delhi Belly
"Josephine The Outlaw King is truly amazing in its scope. It’s not just a book, or music album, or videos, it’s all of those things set in the same universe, telling the same story, complementing each other in every way. This project is truly a multimedia affair the likes of which are rarely seen. I’ve been lucky enough to preview some of this project and since she just released a new video teaser I thought this is the perfect time to let you in on this stunning work of art…."
—Crazy Delicious
"Jeannette Kantzalis is a Californian musician who’s about to land in the crime fiction genre in a rather unusual way. Her book Josephine the Outlaw King initially germinated online as a blog about her life which she started writing a few years ago. Since then she’s developed her prose into a semi-autobiographical novel written in that hardboiled, noir-ish style and it’s due to be released on 14 February 2012 from NeoPoiesis Press. What’s more, she’s releasing an album that parallels the book ….."
—Crime Fiction Lover, read the entire review here!