Lunch with the American People: Satirical Food for Thought
Martin H. Levinson
ISBN 979-8-9858336-2-1
170 pages
5.5"x8.5" perfect bound, paper
Lunch with the American People proves imagination is more important than knowledge.
—Al Einstein, Scientist
Give me liberty or give me Lunch with the American People. On second thought, I’ll just take the book.
—Pat Henry, Orator
It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Just kidding. This book is amazing. I wish I had written it.
—Billy Shakespeare, Playwright
Lunch with the American People has all the ingredients of a great classic.
—Julia Wild, Cooking Teacher and Consummate Judge of Literature
I’m over the moon for this book. You will be too.
—Kneel Armstrong, Astronaut
The only thing we have to fear is not reading Lunch with the American People.
—Frankie D. Roosevelt, Aphorist and Presidential Impersonator