nigel ellis
About the Author
nigel ellis (aka bruce dorlova) is a poet, songwriter and author. He has published in numerous print and online journals, and is perforce currently based in Brisbane Australia.
(drawing of nigel ellis by Sade Maaret Webb)
ISBN 978-0-9855577-4-4
124 pages
5.5" x 8.5" perfect bound, paper
if i wanted
i could sing you
clean and clear and sweet as
wrap you round my alphabet tongue
i could ribbon
the sound of you
down my xylophone spine
all snaked and laddered and
i could speak you
burst you berried
on my palate
whistle you through my teeth sharp
and high.
i could twist with
my tongue a word rope
for you to dance
across with an umbrella in your hand
and a short short skirt you could turn
then jump
i could catch
you in my arms.
there would be cheers. applause.
there would be wolf
this ancient song
made new.
your hands
make birdshadows
beat against a wall
our pavilion
its silks and streamers
flutter in the chill
breeze of after - noon
await the still
the space between
the indrawn breath of day
the slow sigh of night -
a moment in time
a moment away
a moment
your hands
make birdshadows
beat against a wall.
requiem 1
has tethered this flight -
the sweet loamy smell of us
the picked-clean bones of us
this microbial
disarrangement of senses.
one perfect pinion
air to ribbons.
one scalpel keelbone
air to breathing-gas.
one fishhook toe
tides of cirrus.
the scattered feathers move
to breath
which left the lungs
and won't return
the slow exhale:
the cage of ribs
unbarred, the door
swung wide.
the bones are cast
upon the ground,
the fortune gathered up.
this headstone tooth
has bit us off
this tombstone door
has shut us out
the heavy sky let fall
the parts that could not fly.