this wonderful perpetual beautiful
Stephen Roxborough
About the Author
Stephen Roxborough (aka roxword) was born in New York to a Canadian father and American mother. He’s a past board member for the Washington Poets Association, co-founder of Burning Word poetry festival, and Head Poet for Madrona Center on Guemes Island. An internationally acclaimed, award-winning performance poet, Rox has been twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize (2003, 2006), appeared at the Skagit River Poetry Festival (2004), Brave New Words (Whidbey Island, 2009) and co-edited radiant danse uv being, a poetic portrait of bill bissett (2006). He is the author of making love in the war zone (2001), so far all the very long important subversive mind-expanding long ones (2002), impeach yourself! (2006), blurst (2009) and son of blurst (2010). His spoken word cd, spiritual demons (2002) is available at and
"In the form of postmodern Buddhist meditations or mantras, these poems are about simple human happiness. Created out of a pop sensibility and in a pop modality, they're fashioned to free minds and shuffle off some of the weight of contemporary life. They cheerfully bend and blend the clichés and methods of contemporary consumer culture, but send it in a fresh direction. The pleasures here are wise and simple."
—Jamie Reid poet, activist, publisher, co-founder of TISH
ISBN 978-0-9832747-1-1
122 pages
5.5" x 8.5" perfect bound, paper
couch floating
you know you’re ready
more than ready
when it’s time to let go
of the ments:
achievement punishment
requirement accomplishment
advancement payment
judgment and attainment
when you reach the end of fragment
all the slicing and dicing yourself
in 5,000 directions
when it’s time to pink slip time
let the clouds in your head
waft by and disperse
let the whole world
come to you for a change
let go of low vibration
all earth binding tethers
of want and worry
let your thoughts wash over
rinse evaporate
let your body dissolve
into atomic cosmos
let everything melt into itself
everything but the couch
hovering in a room
without walls floor or ceiling
everything simply being and not being
on a planet drifting in space
and you find yourself
lighter than care
"Stephen Roxborough, combination sardonic intellectual, Lucille Ball and Peter Pan east of Eden, is one of the finest poets working today. His new collection exposes the bright, quirky eyes and ears of a visual artist with a mastery of words. A remarkable book. Look for him in the holding cell for the maximally aware."
—Bart Baxter MTV Poetry Slam Winner, Seattle Poet Populist
"Rox has a light touch while reaching deeply inside what makes the universe tick, gentle while grappling with the dead ends of Today. This book knocks on your door and wants to come in and make you laugh and sigh and think."
—David Ossman author, actor, director, member of Firesign Theater
"a beautiful wundrful book sew romantik sew full uv ironeez abt our destineez n our presents th ironeez uv mor loving all th time thruout th book n th langwage sew brillyant n uplifting sew mesurd n unmesuring sew 4giving what we all need 2 heer n feel as deeplee as ths book duz alert us n moov us n uplift us th blessings uv its inkredibul langwage uv hope n sew artful navigaysyun ths is th book 2 reed giving n sumptuous sew wise n linguistiklee adventurous reelee wundrful n brillyant"
—bill bissett poet, painter, performer, mystic, author of 80 books
"These poems feel like breathing to me. I need nothing more. I am utterly sated."
—Susan Musgrave author, teacher, beachcomber
"Lounging on the surface of domesticity, luminosity and drunken beauty, This Wonderful Perpetual Beautiful, serves as a guidebook through life, language and the pursuit of ecstasis. Everyday life transformed through a lexicon steeped in the elegance of cascading desire, where a vibrating present is continually re-invented."
—Adeena Karasick poet, cultural theorist, performer, media artist