The Medium Is The Muse [Channeling Marshall McLuhan]
edited by Lance Strate & Adeena Karasick
Oracle of the electronic age, Marshall McLuhan believed artists could wake us and offer new windows into the world. This diverse collection brings together twenty-nine poets, writers, and artists who channel McLuhan as both medium and muse. Like McLuhan's work, this volume will delight, divert, provoke, incite, and inspire readers to channel McLuhan in their own imagination and creative endeavors.
Lillian Allen Michelle Rae Anderson Mary Ann Allison Marleen Barr David Bateman
Arthur Asa Berger bill bissett Tony Burgess Jerry Harp Adeena Karasick William Marshe
John G. McDaid Jill McGinn Elizabeth McLuhan Peter C. Montgomery Dean Motter
Alexandra Oliver John Oughton Si Philbrook B.W. Powe Robert Priest Stephen Roxborough
Lance Strate Steve Szewczok Andrea Thompson Toshio Ushiroguchi-Pigott John Watts
Dale Winslow Tom Wolfe
ISBN 978-0-9855577-5-1
144 pages
$16.95 USD
5.5”x8.5” perfect bound, paper
ISBN 978-0-9892018-5-8
144 pages
$24.95 USD
5.5”x8.5” hardcover, case laminate