Thunder at Darwin Station
Lance Strate
About the Author
Lance Strate is the author of 10 books, including 2 other books of poetry, First Letter of My Alphabet (2023), and Diatribal Writes of Passage in a World of Wintertextuality (2020). Translations of his writing have appeared in French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Hungarian, Hebrew, Mandarin, and Quenya, and several of his poems have been set to music.
He currently holds the title of Professor of Communication and Media Studies at Fordham University. He is also President of the Institute of General Semantics, and is a past president and board member of the New York Society for General Semantics, the New York State Communication Association, and the Media Ecology Association, as well as the Senior Vice-President of the Global Listening Centre. Dr. Strate held the 2015 Harron Family Chair in Communication at Villanova University, and received an honorary appointment as Chair Professor in the School of Journalism and Communication at Henan University in Kaifeng, China, in 2016.
Lance Strate served as President of Congregation Adas Emuno, a Reform synagogue in Bergen County, New Jersey, for 6 years, and is a member of the temple’s Board of Trustees. On occasion, he serves as lay leader for Friday evening Shabbat services, and delivers sermons that are sometimes said to be thought-provoking.
Thunderation! Open up this post-atomic cocktail of poems by Lance Strate and let it shake you up! Thunder at Darwin Station blends Huxleys with Darwins, evolves with jolts of Joyce and a double DNA dose of Wells and Watsons, spins the reverberations of a blues apocalypse with a green sprig of enlightenment, and delivers you a Galloping Galapagos. Drink up, it will serve you right!
—David Ossman author, actor, member of Firesign Theatre
ISBN 978-0-9892018-7-2
82 pages
5.5" x 8.5" perfect bound, paper
"Rhetorically poignant...witty charm mixed with story-telling prose come to mind when reading this lovely ensemble from New York poet, Lance Strate. I particularly enjoyed the Sixth Thunder."
—Alannah Myles, singer, songwriter
"a serious entrtainment a theologikul teleologikul ontologikul evolushyunaree whethr by design by who thrust n all our charaktrs th trains endlesslee run like giraffes gazells elegaik rhythmic funkee n elegant langwage heer from th erth n sky watr n fire we all ar sew changing n oftn sew maladaptiv variaysyuns thers not much time 2 wait 4 th train 2 cum in we ar alredee on wun n manee n thers brillyant sharp n profound writing a great reed how far wev cum whats next can we know ourselvs our "specious" specees r we th missing links ths book asks evreething abt thees issews a wundrful xperiens reeding thunder at darwin staysyun"
—bill bissett, poet, painter, mystic